# Default config.yml
# grief prevention support, blocks releasing and capturing of any mob in claims if set to true.
block-release-and-capture-on-claims: false
# defines whether the player can catch mobs in protected regions or not.
can-catch-mobs-in-protected-regions: false
# defines whether the player can release mobs in protected regions or not.
can-release-mobs-in-protected-regions: false
# defines wether to use the PlotSquared integration or not.
# Set to false if plotsquared gives errors.
use-psq: true
# Can players release/capture on plots?
can-release-and-capture-on-plots: false
# Item with this displayname would turn in a safarinet. Nice to use in Essentials-kit.
enabled: false
single-use-display: "&cSingleuse"
reusable-display: "&cReusable"
# Blacklisted mob types that can't be caught
# Debug mode
debug: true
# Logger that logs every capture and release event
disable-logger: false
# Mobs can not be caught in this worlds
- exampleworld
# Blacklisted mobs by display name can not be caught (case insensitive)
- "dinnerbone"
can-catch-tamed-mobs: true
disable-mythicmobs: true
play_sound_on_capture: true
volume: 1.00
pitch: 1.00
play_sound_on_spawn: true
volume: 1.00
pitch: 1.00
# Activate this to only allow certain mobs for player. Example permission: safarinet.catch.pig AND safarinet.release.pig
per-mob-permissions: false
use-permission-for-crafting: false
display-name: "&7SafariNet &3(&7Single-Use&3)"
lore: "Right click on an entity%to catch it!"
enabled: true
line1: "aaa"
line2: "aba"
line3: "aaa"
- "a:STRING"
display-name: "&7SafariNet &3(&7Reusable&3)"
lore: "Right click on an entity%to catch it!"
enabled: true
line1: "aaa"
line2: "aba"
line3: "aaa"
- "a:STRING"
# ability to change lore of filled safarinet -> %s is the entity's name, the second %s custon name of the entity
- "&c%s"
- "&a%s"
# catch chances. This sections is designed to set a certain chance, whether to success or fail on catch.
# chance goes from 0.0 to 1.0
# Multiple entity can be added.
# remove the '#' if you want to use this section!
# you also can define a cost for each mob
chance: 1
cost: 50
remove-egg-on-fail: true
remove-entity-on-fail: true
# chance: 0.1
# cost: 0
# remove-egg-on-fail: true
# remove-entity-on-fail: false
# messages
#Configurable messages brought to you by Scorpion(scorpionvssub)
#Messages now support new lines via \n
config_reloaded: "Config reloaded!"
no_perms: "&cYou don't have permission to use this!"
no_perms_cmd: "&cYou don't have permission to use this command!"
no_perms2: "&cYou don't have permission to use this here!"
cant_release: "&cYou can't release that!"
cant_catch: "&cYou can't catch that!"
safarinet_broken: "&cThis SafariNet is broken."
cant_catch_zhorse: "&cSorry, but you can't catch ZHorses!"
cant_catch_mypet: "&cSorry, but you can't catch MyPets!"
cant_catch_tamed: "&cYou can't catch tamed animals!"
catch-failed: "&cYou failed to catch {0}!"
catch-failed-no-money: "&cCatch failed for {0}! You don not have enough money! {1}"
catch-succeed-took-money: "&eYou have been charged {0} for catching {1}!"
syntax: "&cSyntax error: /safarinet give (player) (singleuse/reusable) [amount]"
invalid-eggs: '&cInvalid eggs found. Valid: (singleuse/reusable)'
needs-to-be-player: "&cYou need to be a player to execute this command!"
needs-to-hold-safarinet-in-hand: "&cYou need to hold a SafariNet in your hand!"
#{0} = amount {1} = egg type {2} = player name
egg-given: '&aGiven {0} {1} eggs to {2}'
reloaded: '&aSuccessfully reloaded the configuration file!'
no-number: '&cMust be a valid number!'
not-online: '&cThis player is not online.'
recipe-syntax: '&c/safarinet recipe (singleuse/reusable)'
egg-broken: '&cThis egg appears to be broken :('
blocked-world: '&cThis world does not allow mobs/animals to be captured.'
#This is the help file.
#Its list based e.x:
#- '/sn give....'
#- 'To capture an egg right click a mob while holding it.'
- '&a/sn reload &c- Reloads the plugin'
- '&a/sn recipe &c- Shows recipe''s for eggs(if loaded)'
- '&a/sn inspect &c- Shows information about the SafariNet holding in hand'
- '&a/sn give (player) (egg) [amount] &c- Give a player an egg'
# Notes
Similar to permissions there are settings to regulate permissions too.
To allow everyone to craft eggs regardless of permission set: use-permission-for-crafting: true to false.(Default false)
per-mob-permissions(Default false) regelates wether permission is required to capture that mob. Setting this to true means you need safarinet.catch.sheep to catch a sheep while keeping/setting it false means those with permission to capture/release(here) to do so regardless of the mob in question.
To disable a world from egg usages simply add your worlds name to disabled-worlds:
your world.
Same goes for mobs and names of mobs under “blacklist” and “blacklist-by-name” respectivly.
We’ve spend extra time making sure every message important to the user is configurable.
This saves us making language files while giving you the option to translate them to your own language.